Shiva wallpaper - The God of change and destruction

Shiva wallpaper - The God of change and destruction

Shiva is the god of change and destruction according to the Hindu religion, and a popular deity. It is the third part of the famous Hindu trinity together with "The Creator" Brahma and "Conservative" Vishnu.

The god Shiva represents the goodness, truth and beauty. The god of destruction also has two wives, Parvarti and Shakti. Outside of his two wives, was able to father of two Hindu gods, Ganesha and Kartikeya and lives on Mount Kailash in the Himalayas. Many believe that Shiva sprung from the head of Brahma and Rudra before breaking into a male and female form to show mercy. He has the power to carry out the destruction of large, at the same time, it could also be forgiving and kind.

Shiva is the real meaning of "auspicious" and considered by some traditions as the supreme god. If you want to have a promising outlook in life, that this providential figure that will surely attract the positive results! In fact, there are many believers of the supreme god! From key chains to portraits and tapestries, you can also take your pick on any wallpaper Shiva that you find interesting!

The best part about this is that you do not have to go to the "deeper" part of the universe just to get these items as a gift or even for personal use. You can use wallpaper Shiva just do a search online on the Internet! Not only will you have plenty of options, you will also have the opportunity to buy at very reasonable prices!

Did you know that Shiva is usually with many "faces"? This shows that he has other personalities that can be pleasant or not. This is one of the features of any normal human being, too. Now that you've learned that it is the deity feared and loved by many, he describes a typical representation of Shiva wallpapers currently available online these days.

Lord Shiva portrayed carrying a deer on the top left and a trident in the right. It has a crescent on his forehead and sometimes shown to have a third eye as well. Also decorated with five snakes and skulls known to ashes all over his body wipeout popularize the concept of cremation among some traditions. Even to show how powerful and destructive that can be portrayed a wallpaper he also sits on a tiger skin, demonstrating that it has conquered lust.

There are a lot of colorful Shiva wallpapers you could get on the web and you can get the best price that saves you a lot compared to the direct flight to India only to get them.

Shiva wallpaper - The God of change and destruction


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